133 Mission Street Suite 100
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
Phone (831) 429-3410 | Fax (831) 429-3439

Local Control & Accountability Plan
The Local Control and Accountability Plan or LCAP is a critical part of California’s new Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF). It is a three-year, district-level plan that is updated annually. The plan describes the school district’s key goals for students as well as the specific actions (with expenditures) the district will take to achieve the goals and the means (metrics) used to measure progress.
The LCAP addresses the needs of all students, including specific student groups, and all districts must specifically address English learners, foster youth, and low-income students. In addition, the LCAP must address the state of California's eight priority areas that include student academic achievement, school climate, student access to a broad curriculum, and parent engagement. School districts may identify their own local priorities and San Diego Unified includes its 12 quality school indicators that are part of Vision 2020. The district spending plan aligns to these academic priorities.
Santa Cruz City School's report was presented to and adopted by the Board of Trustees on June 12, 2024.
School Safety Plans
The Santa Cruz City Schools Comprehensive School Safety Plans, which cover the period from March through March, consist of: data analysis (attendance and discipline reports, the California Healthy Kids Survey, Social Emotional Health Survey, rosters of club and sports participation, surveys, etc.); evaluation of the previous year's plan; Component One – People and Programs; Component Two – Physical Environment; Component Three – Safe Egress and Ingress; Component Four – Emergency Management and Crisis Response Protocol; Board Policies.
If you have detailed questions about the safety plans, please contact Casey O'Brien, Director, Student Services, Santa Cruz City Schools at cobrien@sccs.net.
Single Plans for Student Achievement 2024-25
La Plantilla del Plan Escolar de Logro Estudiantil para 2024-2025
Learning Continuity & Attendance Plan
Senate Bill 98, approved by Governor Newsom on June 29, 2020, made several key changes to accountability requirements for 2020-21. These include the establishment of a new requirement – The Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan – that must be adopted by September 30, 2020. This plan includes planned and past expenditures using Learning Loss Mitigation, CARES Act and COVID Funds.
The Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan memorializes the ongoing planning process for the 2020-21 school year. It includes some items that are pending, still in development, and/or being discussed in negotiations with bargaining groups. The plan includes descriptions of how the district is doing the following:
Addressing gaps in learning
Conducting meaningful stakeholder engagement
Maintaining transparency;
Addressing the needs of unduplicated pupils, students with unique needs, and students experiencing homelessness
Providing access to necessary devices and connectivity for distance learning
Providing resources and supports to address student and staff mental health and social emotional well-being
Continuing to provide school meals for students
Though they share the same initials, the Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan differs from the traditional Local Control and Accountability Plan that is completed in June of each school year. This current plan is meant to be a communication tool for our parents and community, and does not detail all expenditures as in the traditional plan. Additionally, expenditures will be ongoing as the timelines for spending are forthcoming: June of 2021 and September of 2022. All expenditures will go to the Board of Trustees for approval, and there will be an ongoing process for collecting stakeholder input to inform expenditure decisions.
The Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan was approved by the Santa Cruz Board of Trustees on June 16, 2021 and can be viewed here.