133 Mission Street Suite 100
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
Phone (831) 429-3410 | Fax (831) 429-3439
Educational Services
Educational Services serve the staff and students of the district through the following departments: Learning & Achievement, Academic Equity & Categorical Programs, Student Services, Special Education, Professional Development, and Educational Technology.
Our division provides information and consultation to the school sites, community, Superintendent, and the Board of Trustees in providing effective, engaging, and academically rigorous programs for all Santa Cruz City Schools students.
There are five schools serving over 1,600 students in the elementary district. The secondary district includes two middle schools, three comprehensive high schools, a continuation school, an independent study program and a home school program with a combined population of approximately 4,200 students. We welcome you to tour the Educational Services division and school site links to learn more about the outstanding programs and services offered in the district.

The office of Learning & Achievement oversees: instructional materials, literacy and math assessments, standardized testing, district-wide professional Development and the articulation of both mandatory and local assessments.
Learning & Achievement also covers curriculum committees, materials, analysis of new course proposals for Board approval, instructional reform task-forces and articulation with higher education. Learning & Achievement supports administrators and teachers to promote and enhance academic achievement for all students.
The Student Services department works to identify and remove barriers to learning. The Department works within a Multi-Tiered System of Supports to promote, create and support School Climates which provide Caring Relationships, High Expectations, and Meaningful Participation to each and every student.
Student Services supports a safe school climate in which student health and mental health needs are addressed so they can be ready to learn and achieve at their highest levels. Counseling, social work, and nursing services are provided in a culturally sensitive context.
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Special Education is an integral part of the public education system. It is specifically designed instruction to meet the unique needs of a child with a disability. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act emphasizes the student's participation in the general education curriculum and expands the Individualized Education Program (IEP) team to include general education teachers.
Under IDEA, students who are eligible for special education have the right to a Free and Appropriate Public Education. Santa Cruz City Schools offers a full range of service options for eligible students.
A complaint is a written statement alleging discrimination, harassment, or a violation of a federal or state law or regulation. A complaint must be filed by way of the Uniform Complaint Procedures (UCP) as written in the California Code of Regulations, Title 5, sections 4600-4687. Issues that may involve filing a complaint using the UCP are under various state and federal programs that use categorical funds such as Adult Education, Career Technical Education, Child Development, Consolidated Categorical Programs, Indian Education, Migrant Education, Nutrition Education, and Special Education.
Learning & Achievement
The Office of Learning & Achievement oversees instructional materials adoption in each content area, instructional professional development, district literacy and math assessments, and Standardized Testing. Our office collaborates with administrators and teachers to promote and enhance academic achievement for all students.
State Standardized Testing:
State/Federal required testing includes the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) in grades 3-8 & 11, California Alternative Assessment (CAA) in grades 3-8 & 11, Physical Fitness Testing (PFT) for grades 5,7, and 9. In addition the Office of CIA also oversees the initial and annual assessment of English Learners called the English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC).
Assembly Bill(AB) 484 requires most students in grade 3-8 and 11 to take the SBAC as part of the statewide California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) testing program
SBAC Parent Resources
SBAC Practice Exams
Physical Fitness
The physical fitness test (PFT) for students in California schools is the Fitnessgram.
The ELPAC is used to identify, assess, and monitor EL students' progress toward English Language Proficiency. EL students continue to take the ELPAC Summative Assessment annually until they meet the LEAs reclassification criteria.
ELPAC Initial Notification
Understanding your student score report(English)