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Resources for English Learners

The department of Learning & Achievement oversees a variety of special services provided to students. Services include Title I/III, Two Way Immersion, English Learner services, and Migrant Education. They also prepare administrative work related to grants, the Consolidated Application, and reports required by the California Department of Education and the Office of Civil Rights. The department also is responsible for managing categorical funding, including Single Plan funds.



Shannon Calden

Director of Elementary Curriculum, Intervention, and Assessments/Migrant Director


429-3410 ext 48243



Sara Jakl

Administrative Assistant​


429-3410 ext 48218

Title III


Title III of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act provides supplemental funding to school districts to implement language instruction educational programs designed to help English learners and immigrant students attain English language proficiency and meet the state’s academic and content standards.  The Title III Plan outlines how Santa Cruz City Schools intends to implement its Title III Program Improvement Year IV Plan for the Secondary District from 2011-13.  



Migrant Education Program


The general purpose of the Migrant Education Program (MEP) is to ensure that migrant children fully benefit from the same free public education provided to other children. A child is considered “migrant” if the parent or guardian is a migratory worker in the agricultural, dairy, lumber, or fishing industries and whose family has moved during the past three years. Eligibility is established through an interview conducted by a Migrant Education recruiter who visits the migrant worker's home and employment location.


To ensure that migratory children receive full and appropriate opportunities to meet the same challenging state academic content and achievement standards expected of all children, Santa Cruz City Schools has made available the following services:


  • Educational

  • Migrant Education Even Start (MEES) provides home-based instruction to pre-K students

  • Out of School Youth (OSY) receives information on basic nutrition, healthy lifestyle choices, proper dental care, and drug and alcohol awareness in order to help them make healthy lifestyle changes.


More Information

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133 Mission Street, Suite 100

Santa Cruz, CA 95060


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Santa Cruz City Schools does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability in admission to its programs, services, or activities, in access to them, in treatment of individuals, or in any aspect of their operations. The lack of English language skills shall not be a barrier to admission or participation in the district’s activities and programs. Santa Cruz City Schools also does not discriminate in its hiring or employment practices.


Our vision is to create and support a learning environment that challenges and enables students to achieve their highest potential.

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