Calle Misión 133, Suite 100
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
Teléfono (831) 429-3410 | Fax (831) 429-3439
Comité de Supervisión del Impuesto Parcelario​
Comité de Supervisión del Impuesto Parcelario
Estamos muy agradecidos de estar en una comunidad que apoya los programas de Educación Técnica Profesional, los recursos de Salud Mental y Asesoramiento, los Jardines Life Lab, las Aulas de la Biblioteca y los programas de Atletismo, Arte y Música. Gracias a las Medidas T&U , estos programas están enriqueciendo las vidas y el desarrollo de nuestros estudiantes. El Comité de Supervisión del Impuesto a las Parcelas ayuda a garantizar que la inversión pública en nuestras escuelas se gestione de manera eficiente y consciente según lo previsto.
Measures T & U Parcel Tax Oversight Committee Members
Sarah Brothers, Business Community Representative
Les Forster, Community at Large Representative
Kris Chopra, Secondary Parent Representative
Greg Larson, Senior Organization Representative
Dave McLaughlin, Elementary Parent Representative
The District's Board of Trustees approved revised Bylaws for the Parcel Tax Oversight Committee on 10/21/20. The Committee is comprised of individuals who are at least 18 years of age and who either live or work within the boundaries of the District. No employee, official, vendor, contractor, or consultant of the District may be appointed to the Committee. PTOC is composed of five to seven (5-7) members who are approved by the District Board of Trustees, including:
One member shall, at the time of appointment, be active in a business organization representing the business community of the District;
One member shall, at the time of appointment, be a member of the community at large;
One member shall, at the time of the appointment, be a member of a Senior Citizen’s Organization,
One member shall, at the time of appointment, be a parent or guardian of a child enrolled in the Elementary District;
One member shall, at the time of appointment, be a parent or guardian of a child enrolled in the High School District.
The Parcel Tax Oversight Committee (PTOC) is charged with overseeing expenditures funded by voter-approved parcel taxes and ensuring that such funds are spent in the manner intended by each ballot measure. To that end, the PTOC prepares an annual report regarding the expenditure of parcel tax funds supporting District programs and services. The report is presented to the Board and is made available to local media and the public.
Download: Parcel Tax Oversight Committee Application
Bylaws of the Parcel Tax Oversight Committee
Parcel Tax Bylaws - revised September 13, 2017 - English
Parcel Tax Bylaws - revised September 13, 2017 - Spanish
Parcel Tax Bylaws- revised October 6, 2020- English
Compliance with Ralph M. Brown Act
All meetings of the Committee are open to the public and are noticed and conducted in compliance with the Ralph M. Brown Act. (Government Code § 54950 et seq.)
Current Parcel Taxes Supporting District Programs and Services
Measure T
Approved: March 2020
Duration: No Expiration
Assessment: $110 per parcel per year in high school district.
Protects educational quality in local high schools (grades 9-12) and continues funding Career Technical Education, science, technology, engineering, arts, counseling, library and athletic programs keeping kids safe and engaged in school.
Measure U
Approved: March 2020
Duration: No Expiration
Assessment: $208 per parcel per year in Elementary and High School Districts.
Continues funding core programs in science, art and music that support student achievement at Santa Cruz elementary and middle schools, attract/retain highly qualified teachers, provides library and counseling services, and maintains smaller class sizes.
Measure O
Approved: June 2016
Duration: July 2016-June 2024
Assessment: $72 per parcel per year in high school district.
Funds middle and high school student career technical education, STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) programs, visual and performing arts and job-training instructional programs; and after-school athletic and enrichment programs in middle and high schools to protect student safety, health and well-being.
Órdenes del dÃa, actas y documentos de reuniones: