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Permisos de trabajo


While a student is a minor and subject to California's compulsory education laws, the student must obtain a Work Permit from the student's school before beginning employment. During the school year, students must obtain Work Permits from the school in which they are enrolled. The school will monitor the student's attendance and grades.

Please complete
Work Permit Application

Note: All sections of the application must be completed in order for a permit to be issued.


When school is out for the summer, Work Permits can be obtained from the school district office. Once the student completes the work permit application and has it signed by a parent and the prospective employer, the student can bring the application to the district office, along with proof of birth (not a school ID). The Work Permit can usually be prepared while you wait. Student must be present to sign Work Permit.


The district office is located at 133 Mission Street, Ste.100, Santa Cruz, CA 95060.
Please call 831-429-3410, with questions about summer Work Permits.



Digital Permits

Students can download and complete the permit application on a computer or other compatible digital device. All sections must be complete before the application is returned to the student's school site, including parent/guarding signature, and employer signature (digital signatures will suffice during this time).

Once the application is completed, email it to your site contact. A work permit will be generated, and emailed back to you. Below is the contact information for each site.


District Office (831)429-3410


Harbor High School:  Yesenia Anaya


Soquel High School:  April Walls


Santa Cruz High:  Jacqui Adler


Branciforte Middle:  Martha Hargens


Mission Hill Middle:  Peggy Slakey


Branciforte Small Schools:  Debbie Fennell
and Sara Homan


Physical Permits

If you are unable to obtain a work permit digitally, you can schedule an appointment with your site, or with the District Office if the site is unable to do in-person meetings. If you are unable to reach the contact from your site, please contact the District Office at 831-429-3410.


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