133 Mission Street Suite 100
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
Phone (831) 429-3410 | Fax (831) 429-3439

Getting Involved
There are many ways to take an active role our in school communities. From helping in the classroom to serving on the Board of Education, your participation is a welcome and vital contribution to our schools.
Volunteering in the Classroom
Contact your student's teacher or principal to volunteer in the classroom. In addition, check with your principal and watch your school newsletter for opportunities to help with special activities like yearbook, clubs and organizations or ongoing needs like lunchtime supervision. Athletics, music and art departments often have needs for parent assistance as well.
PTA/Home and School Club
The function of the Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) varies from school to school, but in general they are parent organizations that raise funds to support programs and activities at your child's school. PTA or Home and School Club meetings are often held monthly, usually in the evenings. Check with your school office for meeting dates.
Site Council
Site Council is an elected group of parents, teachers and staff. The Site Council is responsible for allocating federal and state money to school programs, develops and refines the school plan each year, sets goals for student achievement and monitors progress toward those goals.
English Language Advisory Committees meet on every campus. Comprised of staff, teachers and parents, ELAC reviews and addresses the needs of our English language-learning students. There is also a DELAC group that meets regarding district-wide issues concerning English language acquisition.
District Committees
There are a number of committees and task forces formed to address the needs and goals of our school district; many of them include community members and parents. If you are interested in serving on a committee, contact the Office of the Superintendent.
Board of Education
Our seven-member Board of Education is elected from the areas served by Santa Cruz City Schools. Terms are four years; staggered by represented areas.
Education Foundation
The Santa Cruz Education Foundation is a non-profit, all volunteer organization that promotes excellence in Santa Cruz City Schools through fund-raising, program awareness and communications.