133 Mission Street Suite 100
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
Phone (831) 429-3410 | Fax (831) 429-3439
Maintenance, Operations & Facilities
There is a lot of dedicated work that goes into having wonderful learning environments at each of our campuses. We have:
A team that repairs and tends to the infrastructure and grounds of the schools every day
A team that cleans and performs minor repairs in the schools every day
A team that builds, modernizes & replaces facilities through our Bond work
Please feel free to explore and learn more!

Maintenance & Grounds (429-3904)

Welcome to our Maintenance & Grounds Department! As an integral part of the larger professional learning community of the district, we take pride in our commitment to creating and maintaining campus environments that are welcoming, safe and comfortable to support the school experience.
Welcome to our Maintenance & Grounds Department! As an integral part of the larger professional learning community of the district, we take pride in our commitment to creating and maintaining campus environments that are welcoming, safe and comfortable to support the school experience.
We don't run a check-box approach to our schools, our classrooms, our gardens or any of our learning spaces. We've built a team that takes pride in their investment in our schools. We encourage our team to take ownership in their work, finding improvement, new use or beautification as well as our "maintenance" work.
From finding and replanting flower bed in an unloved spot on campus to swapping a squeaky hinge without being asked, we make sure our team is able to look for and choose their own lasting contributions to the living picture of our school days.
Sure, the grass never stops growing. But beyond that, our maintenance team takes time to make sure our 172 acres of land, 10 school sites and ever-growing number of classrooms operations facilities and administrative offices aren't just maintained—they're home.
After Hours Emergency Phone Number: 831-621-3354
Air Quality Safety Guide
Healthy Schools Act of 2000 (AB 2260)
Healthy Schools Act - Parent/Guardian Letter
Integrated Pest Management Plan
Modification volunteer work approval form
Volunteer Form Spanish
What's New? The Maintenance fleet is going GREEN!
We have been slowly updating the maintenance fleet to be more economical as well as more environmentally friendly. Replacing large V8 trucks with more appropriate service vans. Advanced safety equipment like rear view cameras, hands-free smartphone connections, and air bags reduce the likelihood of driving accidents. We started to review how the age of the fleet affects many things. We looked at our trucks’ safety obsolescence in addition to their economic obsolescence — determining it’s just as important to replace an older truck for safety benefits as it is for economic and environmental reasons.

Using just the fuel savings:
F250 V8 trucks- CO2 produced approx. 1.87 kg/mile or about 10 mpg on average versus
Ford Rangers- CO2 produces approx. 0.93 kg/mile or about 20 mpg on average
Connect Van CO2 produced approx. 0.44 kg/mile or about 25 mpg on average
2024 Ford Maverick hybrid- offers approx. 0.28 kg/mile or about 40 mpg on average
That’s adds up annually to over 125 tons of CO2 saved with more to come!
As electric trucks become available they will be inserted into the fleet and as the smaller
vans become available in electric in a few years our van fleet will also be electric and be
charged off our own solar panels!

Custodial & Operations (429-3904)
The Custodian is the heartbeat of a school. Ask any student, and they'll tell you: custodians don't just fix and clean. As a daily presence dedicated to making campuses safe and smoothing-running, custodians are part of the fabric of what makes school home for the day.
At Santa Cruz City Schools, we support a custodial team that takes pride in being an indispensable part of the team to make students feel safe and welcome at school.
They raise the U.S. flag each morning, tend flower beds, clear litter and direct traffic at drop off. When a light bulb needs to be changed, a window unstuck, a soap dispenser filled, a ceiling tile replaced or some touchup of paint added, unloading deliveries and handling an unexpected spill, Custodians take the lead. School Custodians also are part of the administration’s eyes and ears and can play a large part in spotting tensions among students and curbing vandalism.
They are the first to arrive in the morning and the last to leave at night.
What's new? SCCS goes Greener with new technology floor cleaners!
The ec-H2O NanoClean® technology* of our new floor cleaners electrically converts water into an innovative, detergent-free solution that cleans effectively, saves money, and reduces our environmental impact compared to daily floor cleaning chemicals. This converted water is created by an on-board e-cell that generates millions of tiny microscopic bubbles known as nanobubbles that promote the cleaning efficacy of the solution. Because it uses less water our operators have fewer empty-fill cycles. And, because there are no chemicals to buy, mix, or store, we significantly reduce labor time and simplify operation and maintenance.
The ec-H2O NanoClean® is certified by the NFSI to improve floor traction and reduce the risk of slip and fall accidents. Additionally, NSF registration ensures the technology is safe to use in food and beverage handling environments.
According to a third-party study, the ec-H2O NanoClean® significantly reduces the impact of cleaning operations in seven key categories: energy, CO2 emissions, ozone, smog, acid, eutrophication, and particulates.
We have improved productivity and lowered our environmental footprint by implementing these scrubbers:

Facilities & Construction (429-3906)
We are improving our schools, thanks to our community for supporting Measures A & B in 2016 and Measures K & L in 2022. After nearly 20 years without much investment in school infrastructure, our community provided overwhelming support to pass facilities bonds, which are the only way we can repair, build or replace anything on our campuses.
The district worked with community members, teachers and the Board of Trustees to create a clear and prioritized Master Plan to make our school environments ready for today and tomorrow by continuing to run a bond program to keep moving forward to make improvements to our schools.
We have continued to track and analyze the ongoing needs and recently in 2022, thanks to the community Passed K&L to continue the good work through to the end of the decade.
And the facilities team has continued to work. From upgraded classrooms to new fields, pools, drinking and fire water pipe upgrades, new parking and walking areas, modernizations and beautifications. A new district wide network for state-of-the-art connectivity, new electrical infrastructure and HVAC. We have even started green and sustainable work at our sites with new solar panels providing power for the future. Using the Bond for good things since 2017.
Annual CUPCCA Contractor Registration -Santa Cruz City Schools District has elected to participate in the California Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting Act (CUPCCAA) which provides alternative bidding procedures when an agency performs public project work by contract. Public projects, as defined by this Act and in accordance with the limits listed in Section 22032 of the Public Contract Code, will be let to contract by informal procedures as set forth in Sections 22032-22045 of the Public Contract Code. All licensed contractors are invited to submit the name of their firm to the District for inclusion on the District's list of registered bidders for each Calendar Year.
Contractor CUPCCA (informally bid) list
Contractor Instructions for CUPCCA (informally bid) public projects