133 Mission Street Suite 100
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
Phone (831) 429-3410 | Fax (831) 429-3439
Parcel Taxes
We are so grateful to have so much community support for students in our district. In California, there are many programs and supports that are not included in school funding—these are seen as local decisions, and left up to local communities to either provide or not.
In Santa Cruz City Schools, Parcel Taxes and the support of our community enables us to offer Counseling services, Art, Music, Libraries and more in Elementary, Career Technical Education, Arts, Athletics, Music and more in Secondar! We want to thank our community for all that you give to students!
Current Parcel Taxes: T&U
Past Parcel Taxes
Parcel Tax Exemptions
The Parcel Tax Exemption Program is For:
Property owners who are 65 years of age or older on June 30th the preceding the tax year.
Persons receiving Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI), regardless of age, who own and reside at the property for which the exemption is being claimed, and whose annual income does not exceed 250% of the 2019 federal poverty guidelines issued by the United States Department of Health and Human Resources (see link below for more information).
The exemption is for the principal place of residence and applies to one parcel only. Exemptions which are approved are effective for the life of the parcel tax, unless ownership of the property changes. Exemptions for applicants receiving disability benefits will be revoked if SSDI or SSI benefits end and/or if annual income exceeds 250% of the federal poverty guidelines above.
Property owners who had exemptions on file for Measures I, J, O and P should have received a letter asking if they wish to be exempted from Measures T and U. By signing and returning the letter by June 30, 2020, those property owners were exempted from Measures T & U.
Property owners who do not have current exemptions on file for Measures I, J, O and P will need to complete an application for exemption for Measures T and U. The new applications are posted below.
To obtain an exemption from the parcel taxes in effect, an application must be filed before June 30th preceding the next tax year.
For exemptions in the 2023-24 tax year, the application deadline closed June 30th, 2023.
For exemptions in the 2024-25 tax year, applications are due by June 30th, 2024.
For exemptions in the 2025-26 tax year, applications are due by June 30th, 2025.
Send Applications to:
4745 Mangels Blvd., Fairfield, CA 94534
Fax: 707-430-4319
Once applications have been submitted, Please call the phone number listed below with any questions: (844) 332-0549
To download an application, click on the link below:
Exemption Application for Owner-Occupants Receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
Exemption Application for Owner-Occupants Receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI) - Spanish
United States Dept. of Health and Human Resources 2020 federal poverty guidelines

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