Current 10th & 11th Grade students: Serve as a student representative to the School Board to provide input on District Vision, Board Policy and resource allocation! Learn about school governance and bring issues to students on your campus to seek their feedback. Student Trustees receive A-G elective course credit for their service.
To apply, you need to send these two things to Kris Munro at
by April 23rd, 2025:
A letter of interest explaining why you would like to serve on the board
A recommendation email from one teacher
Student Trustee Interviews will be held on April 28th at 4:00 PM in the HHS Library!
Job Responsibilities (approximately 2-3 hours a week):
Attend all school board meetings. (1 semester student trustees will sit at the dais with the Board and 1 semester student trustees will serve as an alternate and attend with the public)
Participate in an orientation with the Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent and Board President.
Attend student trustee training provided by the County Office of Education during the summer and attend the CSBA conference December 3- 5 in Sacramento (paid for by the District)
Prepare for all meetings by:
Read the board book. Take notes as you read, especially focusing on any agenda items that directly relate to students.
Contact the Superintendent’s Assistant with questions about any items that you would like explained prior to the Board meeting.
Write your questions for each agenda item as you read the board book so you are prepared to ask them during the meeting.
Prepare a school update that includes important school happenings from the diverse groups and activities on campus
Meet with your site Principal to review your report and discuss site issues.
At each board meeting:
Share a prepared school update
Make comments on agenda items that are presented, adding a student perspective/experience
Ask questions on agenda items
Write a reflection on the meeting at the end.
Monthly: share with school student leadership board items that have an impact on students and seek their feedback.
Monthly: solicit input from school student leadership items that are important to report to the board.
Monthly: Attend class meeting with the Superintendent to learn more about governance and reflect on your role as a student board member. (You will get a grade and course credit for the class.)
Monthly: Attend the Superintendent's Student Advisory Council
Participate in Board and District committees as a Student Trustee Representative
Serve as a Representative of the Board of Trustees at your school and in the community
Maintain strong school attendance without unexcused absences or tardies.