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Bond Oversight Committee Meeting Tonight 2/11!

The Bond Oversight Committee meeting will be meeting this evening at 5:30. The event was rescheduled from 1/16. The event will be in District Office, Conference Room 5 or on Zoom!


I. Call to Order  

Public Comments 

The public is invited to directly address the committee on any item of interest that is within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Bond Oversight Committee. The committee is not permitted to take action on any item not appearing on the agenda. 
The chair may limit the time allocated to such comments from the public.

II. Welcome 
III. Approval of Minutes from October 10, 2024 Meeting 
IV. Measure A Financial Statements/Performance Audit 
A. Financial Statements 
B. Performance Audit 

V. Measure B Financial Statements/Performance Audit 
A. Financial Statements 
B. Performance Audit 

VI. Bond Projects Update
A. 19.Six 11.20.24 presentation 

VII. Bond Budget Update 
A. 01.15.25 Bond Budget Presentation  

VIII. 2024-25 Bond Secondary by Vendor 
A. Bond Expenditures 07-01-24 thru 12-31-24 

IX. 2024-25 Bond Elementary by Vendor  
A. Bond Expenditures 07-01-24 thru 12-31-24  

X. Bond Oversight Committee Annual Report 
XI. Next Meeting: March 6, 2025 

Tentative Site Visit Dates: 
● 9 am - noon, Wednesday, February 12th 
● 9 am - noon, Wednesday, February 19th 
● 10 am - noon, Monday, March 3rd 
● 9 am - noon, Wednesday, March 12th 

XII. Adjournment 


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133 Mission Street, Suite 100

Santa Cruz, CA 95060

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