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Increase of School Statutory Developer Fee

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the governing Board of the Santa Cruz City Schools will hold a hearing and consider input from the public on the proposed adoption of a Developer Fee Justification Study for the District and an increase in the statutory school facility fee (“Level I Fee”) on new residential and commercial/industrial developments as approved by the State Allocation Board on January 24, 2024. A link to the Developer Fee Justification Study can be found here.

The adoption of the Study and the increase of the Level I Feeare necessary to fund the construction of needed school facilities to accommodate students due to development.

Members of the public are invited to comment in writing, on or before Date of Meeting, or appear in person at the hearing at : 6:30pm

April 10, 2024Santa Cruz County Office of Education Board Room

Materials regarding the Study and the Level I Fee are on file and are available for public review at the District Office located at 133 Mission Street, Suite 100, Santa Cruz, CA.Dated: March 22, 2024


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