133 Mission Street Suite 100
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
Phone (831) 429-3410 | Fax (831) 429-3439
Our Students
The TK-12 student experience is an irreplaceable time of discovery, advancement and progress in life. We work hard to provide our students with everything they need to grow as learners and as people to reach their highest potential. We believe a school should be an environment of exploring new paths, developing critical thinking and refining problem solving and independence.
This experience is built on:
Hands-on Learning, High Expectations, customized Supports, Mental Health & emotional support, Career Exploration & Training, Arts & Music, Athletics and a powerful sense of Connection & Belonging

Hands-on Learning
In addition to a traditional rigorous classroom experience, our students have numerous opportunities to refine skills with hands-on learning. Learning in this variety of contexts allows not only for students to build confidence, but to explore a wider set of interests and aptitudes at school.
Starting in TK, students have classes in our Life Lab Gardens where they learn about food systems, ecological relationships, early biology and food preparation. Elementary students also learn in dedicated Art Classrooms and dedicated Music Classrooms. They also explore computer literacy and internet safety in the Library Classrooms with our Teacher Librarians.
Starting in Middle School, and expanded through High School, students learn in our Career Technical Education programs. In CTE, students take college-prep classes taught by industry professionals where they explore career skills in fields like Biotechnology, Sustainable Agriculture, Healthcare, Construction, Digital Media Arts, IT, Auto Technology, Culinary Arts, Fire Science, Music Production, Education, Floral Design & more!

“I have been able to learn, in practice,
how I can apply Biotechnology skills to my passion in medicine."
Zofia Castillo-Musante
Branciforte Middle
“Santa Cruz High has only made my dreams seem more possible.”
Yuxuan Yan
Santa Cruz High

Hear from students on Hands-on education:

“I am learning a lot of valuable skills that will help me in my desired future career.”
John Hefti
Soquel High
"My experience at Harbor High has been so fulfilling. It's made me want to be that person—the pushing force that says: you've got this."
Heaven Smith
Harbor High
High Expectations
Every student deserves to be pushed to their highest potential—and to be challenged to expand the their expectations.
Starting in Elementary school, classrooms provide opportunities for "extension"—allowing students with appetite or aptitude for a particular subject beyond grade level to dig deeper or move farther than their class.
From advanced classes in Middle School to both Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate classes in High School, we provide numerous academic opportunities for students to push themselves.
Beyond the classroom, however, we believe the school experience must push students with high expectations in a broader sense. Students in Santa Cruz City Schools are offered numerous opportunities for leadership in Associated Student Body positions, on their athletic teams, in their music, dance and theater companies, mock trial, club positions and more.
We have seen clearly that high expectations, along with varied opportunities for leadership and ambition, drive excellence in students.
Hear from students on Excellence & Leadership:
Customized Supports
We work to provide every student with the supports they need to develop their skills, with an end goal of fostering independence as learners.
This begins immediately in Transitional Kindergarten, as our elementary teachers are supported by certificated specialists we call RTI Coordinators (RTI stands for "response to intervention") who help create customized lessons and supports for students. Students who need extra support in any area learn in small groups or 1-on-1 with the RTI team to help make strong progress.
Through Middle & High School, students who need support receive Academic Interventions throughout the day designed by the secondary-level RTI coordinators, whether it's 1-on-1 support or complementary classes during the school day. We also offer tutoring options, whether it is with staff or through our thriving Peer Tutor program where students can work together on challenges.
In High School, we offer credit recovery, as well as after school supports in study and homework. We also have summer programs where students can take credit recovery courses and build their skills and confidence.

“Having teachers who help & support your dreams has been the key to my success."
Zofia Castillo-Musante
Branciforte Middle
“The teachers are amazing.” & the curriculum is constantly evolving. As a student, I've had a wonderful experience."
Destiny Silva
Harbor High
Hear from students on Academic Supports:

“It's so good to know I have so many people in my corner.”
Jasper Donahoe
Costanoa High
"This is such a great community. You never feel like you're alone."
Natalie Blanco
Harbor High
"B40 is a place where everybody can be themselves & have a community to trust with their thoughts & feelings."
Aiden Parten
Branciforte Middle
Mental & Emotional Health
We have mental health experts at every school. We're so happy to be among the few districts nationwide to have licensed counselors in elementary & secondary who support students directly and help inform, train and guide behavioral health literacy staff-wide. This is thanks in part to our community who showed so much support in passing Parcel Taxes T & U.
We run check-ins and mental health screenings for every student, every year. Sometimes distress presents clear symptoms and sometimes is does not, so we take a proactive approach to ensure that needs are being met and students are thriving.
Counselors on campus have doors students can always walk into. From a crisis to just needing someone to vent to, we make sure students know where to find their counselor. Additionally, if you think your student needs additional or specific support, you can reach out to your school's counseling team and request a conversation.
Additionally, classrooms are supported with Mental Health teams. Our counseling and Positive Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS) teams provide training & support to teachers to make the classroom a supportive environment for Mental Health.
We also maintain partnerships with many local support resources. There are a lot of resources out there, but we know it can be hard to navigate. Your school team can help you make sense of what's available and make a connection that helps best. You can navigate a list of resources here.
Hear from students on Mental & Emotional Support:
Career Exploration
Our "Career Technical Education" courses combine a college-prep pathway with hands-on, real-world career experience and skill-building. Each CTE Course is not only compliant with the A-G college entrance requirements but is also taught by an experienced professional in their field.
Starting in Middle School, and expanded through High School, students in our Career Technical Education program are able to explore career skills in fields like Biotechnology, Sustainable Agriculture, Healthcare, Construction, Digital Media Arts, IT, Auto Technology, Culinary Arts, Fire Science, Music Production, Education, Floral Design & more!
Each CTE Course provides not only an experiential sense of what it's like to pursue a given career, but also incorporates a set of skills applicable to any work environment and the job seeking process. Students will learn work with instructors to gain experience in writing resumés, composing cover letters and creating work portfolios. They will also learn skills in the job application and interviewing process.
Participation in CTE courses not only boosts student hire-ability and graduation rates but even improves college acceptance chances. This is a way for students to study in a context that goes beyond academic coursework and incorporates a sense of applying their skills and knowledge in the real world.

"I had my eyes opened to all the things I could learn & all of the career possibilities for it!"
Dez Santoro
Soquel High
“All the options of classes had allowed me to find out what I like doing.”
Ava Lord
Santa Cruz High
“We're taking steps out of the classroom and into the real world.”
Lily Richards
Soquel High
Hear from students on Career Education & Exploration:

“Singing is Freeing.”
Natalie Blanco
Harbor High
"Performing gives you a better sense of what you can do. You appreciate yourself a little more."
Hayden Woffard
Santa Cruz High
"I love getting to play music with all my friends!"
Amelia Castiglione
Gault Elementary
More Arts, Music & Performance
Expression, Exploration & Creativity are not a luxury, they are necessary. These endeavors are vital ways that students build fine motor skills, engage in complex communication with peers, build cooperation and expressive skills that serve them in academic and career excellence.
Arts are built into the student experience starting at the very beginning. Starting in TK, students have dedicated time in art studios and in music class. As they grow through their student experience, they have numerous opportunities to explore theater, dance, design, studio arts and more.
By High School, students are exploring painting, sculpture, theater, pottery, band, drawing, choir, printmaking, jazz band, graphic design, guitar performance, photography, cabinetry and more.
All of our schools have award-winning arts programs. Our students perform far and wide in competition, our artist have pieces in local galleries, and our schools are full of published writers. These achievements are important for students because they provide that connection between their excellence and wider recognition.
These endeavors help students know themselves and push their percieved limits.
Hear from students on Music, Art & Performance:
Athletic Excellence
Athletics are a key way students learn to find and push their limits on every level. They provide a way for students to take leadership, create positive relationships with their peers and achieve excellence on the public stage.
Team and Individual sports provide a forum for the building of skills, confidence, self-regulation and more. Because they provide such a powerful realm of development for students, we provide students with opportunities in:
Middle School: Cross Country, Girls' Basketball, Boys Soccer, Cheer Team, Boys' Basketball, Girls' Soccer, Cheer Team, Girls' Volleyball, Wrestling, Flag Football, Golf, Track, Boys’ Volleyball, Girls’ Softball
High School: Football, Softball, Boys Volleyball, Girls Volleyball, Cheer, Girls Tennis, Boys Tennis, Cross Country, Girls Water Polo, Boys Water Polo, Boys Golf, Girls Golf, Boys Soccer, Girls Golf, Wrestling, Boys Basketball, Girls Basketball, Girls Swimming, Boys Swimming, Track & Field, Baseball, Boys Lacrosse
We are incredibly grateful for our community, because their support of Parcel Taxes T&U has made a wide and thriving set of athletic opportunities available to our students throughout their school experience.

“I love the growth. I love how a team can show us our evolution through high school.”
Justus Grauel
Soquel High
“Playing can show you what you’re capable of, it can show you how to handle high stakes, and it can help you in the rest of your life as well.”
Dakotah Johnson
Harbor High
Hear from students on Athletic Achievement:

“Gault school encourages kids to exceed their potential & be a positive addition to their community."
Nadia Krilanovich
Gault Parent
"My son feels at home."
Lillie Lazarus
Santa Cruz High Parent
“Soquel High’s diverse & wondrous community has allowed me to forge friendships & wisdom sure to last."
Alex Pounds
Soquel High
Connections, Diversity & Belonging
As a public district, our schools are built on the belief that not is every family and student welcome, they are essential.
Public School is built on the idea that developing minds need variety—they need each other—and that a diversity of perspectives and experiences drives broader and faster development for all students.
Beyond the classrooms, schools throughout the year are crossroads for a community: a place where regardless of economic class, ethnicity, background, or anything else, people come together. Parents work with each other to help put on and enjoy events throughout the year. They volunteer together in classrooms and explore the area on field trips. They serve together on PTAs and PTOs and Home and School Clubs.
At pick up and drop off every day, a school is the place where a neighborhood comes to know itself, where lifelong connections are made from a shared experience—sometimes with folks from only a block away you have never met before!
Along with learning mastery of language, math, science and more, students come together to learn about themselves, each other, their community and the world they live in. There is no better place to explore that education and build that connection to your community than in public school.