133 Mission Street Suite 100
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
Phone (831) 429-3410 | Fax (831) 429-3439
Transportation Services
Our fleet of buses provide daily transportation for all special education students. We also run a bus route for DeLaveaga students leaving every day from Grant Street Park, and our fleet is active throughout the week providing transportation for field trips. For years, we have been replacing our buses with electric vehicles, saving 980,000 gallons of fuel so far!
We're lucky to have such a passionate team who care so much about serving students, schools and families. We're grateful to be able to make such a big impact in so many lives in our community every day.
Office: 831-429-3851
Field Trip Request Form

SCCS Transportation is Going Greener!
With grants from Monterey Bay Air Resource District and the California Air Resource Board, SCCS is now the proud owner of one of the first all electric school buses in Santa Cruz County. This is more than just an electric school bus. In addition to its many economic benefits, it stands out as the only zero-emission solution currently available.
We look forward to putting the bus into action in the new year as our new all-electric vehicles will help foster a healthier and greener world. SEE LINK TO SENTINEL ARTICLE!

The Transportation Department is responsible for transporting approximately 90 Special Education & 50 Regular Education students. Our staff of 12 bus drivers make every effort to ensure all students are safely bussed to and from their destination. We transport students to both District and County programs at 14 different school sites.
The transportation staff works very hard to provide a safe means of transportation for our students, which in turn helps to support our student's education and District’s goals.
The Transportation Department buses are also available for District field trips. Buses for field trips are available evenings Monday-Friday, and are available all day on both Saturday and Sunday. You may download the Field Trip Request Form below. For more information contact, Kris Sihler at ksihler@sccs.net.
We strive to run the district’s Transportation Department in the most economically sound, yet efficient manner possible. We are here to serve you and your students by providing this service.
It is our goal to always put children first!